Welcome to American Studies!
Based in the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, the American Studies Program at UNC Charlotte is a dynamic academic program that provides undergraduate students the opportunity to study diverse aspects of American culture and the American experience using an interdisciplinary perspective. American Studies courses draw on history, literature, art, music, religion, popular culture, political science, the media, and other fields. These courses provide students with knowledge and experience in critical thinking, reading, and writing. Students also gain increased social and cultural awareness, improved communication skills, and creative problem-solving skills that integrate the various disciplines underlying American Studies.
For advising and program/curriculum issues, students should contact Nick Canada (ncanada1@charlotte.edu). Course questions should first be addressed to the instructor of record.

This week’s Storied Charlotte blog post is now up!
This post is about Sam Shapiro and his upcoming film series featuring classic road-trip films from the 1970s. This film series will take place at the Independent Picture House.